Addon: Portainer

Today I want to share the portainer plugin with you.
It installes portainer that you can manage you own docker containers and stacks if you want.
It’s very easy to use. Download the .zip file and upload it in the addons section of Libre Workspace.
Then hit “install” at the modules section.

After few minutes you will find a new entry at the portal page with wordpress.
The url is
At the current time the users are not synced with libre workspace. (8,5 KB)

Have fun using it!
If you have any further questions, let me know.

Futher Information:

If you see this window:

then just reinstall portainer or restart the server.

If you need to enable a port in the firewall you can do this by connecting via ssh to the server, get root and issue eg

ufw allow 12345

for port 12345.
How to ssh into server and gain root rights:

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